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Traditional technology

Went to see Tanja at Opera Australia joint in Surry Hills the other day. Apart from seeing the backstage of where they make costumes, build stages and create props – I mainly went there to look at her new toy, a 1895 Chandler & Price letterpress.

Weighting “only” around 1 tonne, this 1x1m machine was delivered there on a crane… how else would you even move this thing?


Some of it’s mechanism. Very manual, very slow, very strong and apparently you need to watch your fingers.


Didn’t get to actually print anything this time, or take photos of any of the finished work, but when someone says they still use traditional technology – this would be a perfect example.


You don’t really realise how much we take our current 1,000s of fonts for granted, until you see this. Here you work with what you got. Each font, each size, each letter is separate.  Each needs to be set and I’m not even talking about the fact that most of these letters are second hand, have been used for years and now are not exactly the same height… which means your print won’t come out perfectly clear either. The results that come out are a little random, a little crooked and sometimes unclear, but that’s the beauty behind this machine. Every single print has it’s own personality, it was custom made and you will think twice before throwing it away (well, some would).

Wish I took some photos of the finished work to show, but it’s ok – next time!

Let's Follow My Design Process

Proin ullamcorper pretium orci. Donec nec scelerisque leo. Nam massa dolor, imperdiet nec consequat a, congue id sem. Maecenas malesuada faucibus finibus. Donec vitae libero porttitor, laoreet sapien a, ultrices leo. Duis dictum vestibulum ante vitae ullamcorper. Phasellus ullamcorper, odio vitae eleifend ultricies, lectus orci congue magna, in egestas nulla libero non nisl. Etiam efficitur in arcu ut lacinia.

Donec scelerisque enim non dictum aliquet. Sed ec nunc. Suspendisse volutpat elit nec nisi congue tristique eu at velit. Curabitur pharetra ex non ullamcorper condimentum. Morbi sit amet dui convallis, mattis augue id, ullamcorper massa. Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit.

  • Donec arcu lacus, ornare eget ligula vel, commodo luctus felis.
  • Ut dignissim sapien sit amet molestie rutrum.
  • Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
  • Ut at nulla ut libero mollis viverra sed vitae purus.

“Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can – there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.” 

Ferran - Digital Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a feugiat purus. Duis turpis nunc, aliquam id nunc ac, convallis dictum nisi. Curabitur vehicula tincidunt sapien, velcac. Donec diam augue, consequat sit amet metus ac, bibendum mattis massa. Duis mollis, ligula pretium consequat aliquet, nibh purus fermentum mi, bibendum molestie libero enim in sapien. Curabitur vestibulum sit amet nibh sed blandit bibendum molestie libero enim in sapien.

Donec scelerisque enim non dictum aliquet. Sed ec nunc. Suspendisse volutpat elit nec nisi congue tristique eu at velit. Curabitur pharetra ex non ullamcorper condimentum. Morbi sit amet dui convallis, mattis augue id, ullamcorper massa. Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit.

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