Your Apple care expired? Never bought it in the first place? There is still a way to get some support and not pay for it. Here is how.
Get to this screen here. To do that, go to support, choose your product, click a few more times and you are here. Simple enough.
Enter your serial number. It’s at the back of your laptop or via menu options. Other ways are provided on the site itself. If you don’t have a serial number — then you shouldn’t be needing support.
Here is what you see, if your Apple Care has expired or you never bought it. You can of course buy a single incident support, or just choose to request an exception.
Have you updated your OS recently? Of course you did. Did problems start once you did that? Of course they did. There is more truth to this than lie. Go ahead and enjoy free support. Which, I must add, is pretty good, so leave a good review once done. This is one support where they talk to you as if they are actually real people and not trained monkeys with an extremely limited vocabulary.
ps. similar approach may also work with phone support, although I haven’t tested that just yet.