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Graphic design



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Beams Arts Festival — final presentation

The branding for the upcoming Beams Festival is done. Together with our small team of UTS Master of Design students, we have designed something people seemed to be quite happy with. Well, lots of wine could of also played a role in this, but sometimes a bit of wine (even better vodka) does help.

All the people involved in the design are named (click to view the larger version). Lawrence is the professor who runs our studio (and knows MANY people in the industry it seems). This is how we got this gig in the first place. Ian just arrived back to Australia from Germany, has years of experience under his sleeve and basically lead us in the right direction, made us think (so to say). We learned (and learning) quite a lot from him.

The rest of the people are from all over the place. Sydney City Council, Chippendale Creative Precinct, art galleries, design and marketing firms, hotels and who knows what else. They were cool.

Well, this is the logo. It’s not really meant to be shown inside a rectangular box, the background is meant to be all black — but that would mean I need to change the background of this whole post to black. Not going to happen.

There was a lot more to this, but we probably shouldn’t reveal it just yet. Just try and get to Chippendale in Sydney on the 22 September 2012. More info will eventually appear on their site.

Let's Follow My Design Process

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Donec scelerisque enim non dictum aliquet. Sed ec nunc. Suspendisse volutpat elit nec nisi congue tristique eu at velit. Curabitur pharetra ex non ullamcorper condimentum. Morbi sit amet dui convallis, mattis augue id, ullamcorper massa. Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit.

  • Donec arcu lacus, ornare eget ligula vel, commodo luctus felis.
  • Ut dignissim sapien sit amet molestie rutrum.
  • Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
  • Ut at nulla ut libero mollis viverra sed vitae purus.

“Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can – there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.” 

Ferran - Digital Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a feugiat purus. Duis turpis nunc, aliquam id nunc ac, convallis dictum nisi. Curabitur vehicula tincidunt sapien, velcac. Donec diam augue, consequat sit amet metus ac, bibendum mattis massa. Duis mollis, ligula pretium consequat aliquet, nibh purus fermentum mi, bibendum molestie libero enim in sapien. Curabitur vestibulum sit amet nibh sed blandit bibendum molestie libero enim in sapien.

Donec scelerisque enim non dictum aliquet. Sed ec nunc. Suspendisse volutpat elit nec nisi congue tristique eu at velit. Curabitur pharetra ex non ullamcorper condimentum. Morbi sit amet dui convallis, mattis augue id, ullamcorper massa. Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit.

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